Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 6

Okay! So the first of the string of holidays are over!! And I ended up having to skip a few days due to lack of time in between! Wednesday and Thursday were my days off and ended up being two very huge days for me! On Wednesday Jonathan (my very amazing boyfriend and best friend!) proposed to me! So we are engaged and have a wedding to look forward to! Even more motivation to get in shape if you ask me! And of course Thursday was Thanksgiving and all bets were off as I enjoyed a nice meal with my family and new fiance!

Today's workout consisted of some cardio as I walked home from work... a good two miles or so! Throw on top of that whatever the average barista loses while making drinks during a rush!

So far the commitment has been pretty easy to remain focus on, and I am stoked to start seeing a change in my figure over the next 100 or so days! I have already shed about 5 pounds in the last week... which I am guessing was just water wait that my body had been retaining! I can feel my muscles as they are coming back into shape though and that feels very nice!

I had a smoothie for breakfast today, and this afternoon I am going to make what I call open egg sandwiches. Which simply consist of whole wheat toast, swiss cheese, and fried eggs. Fried eggs contain the least amount of calories.

I am eating a lot of fruits and veggies and they have been great sources of energy at low points of my day! At best the equivalent of a cup of coffee for me. I don't know if that's just me, or what... but I'm enjoying not having to load myself down with caffeine!

Only 102 more days! :D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 3

Today was easier!!! This is monumental! I did 50mins of cardio today which was probably the equivalent of 2 or 3 miles! My legs were hurting pretty badly this morning before I left, but after my workout they actually feel TONS better! I have learned that if I pray during my workouts it makes the time and distance go by much faster! And not to mention I am hearing the voice of my heavenly Father while I'm out enjoying His creation, it's beautiful!

I am making my goal for this week to do 5 days on and 2 days off for rest, and amping things up a little bit more next week as I launch week 2! I cannot believe how incredible I have felt in the afternoons! I haven't needed coffee or energy drinks since I've started (although that may be due in part to B12 in my multi-vitamin), but I feel great not having to load myself down with caffeine to make it through the day!

Today for breakfast I had:
Two pieces of Oroweat Toast with Jiff Honey Roaster Peanut Butter
1 Cup of green grapes

Total calorie count was 420. Great start for a breakfast when you burn 400 or more calories in your workout!

For snack I have prepared the ingredients for a smoothie at work which include:
1 Banana
5 Raspberries
4 Strawberries
1 Cup Blueberry Pomegranate Nonfat Yogurt
1 Orange

For dinner I have broiled some asparagus in olive oil with sea salt!! Yummy!!! I cannot wait to eat this one!

The eating is good, and I am so pleased with some of the stuff that I have cooked up in the evenings for dinner! This is easier than I projected!!!

Only 108 days left!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 2

I must say that today was a little bit more difficult than yesterday... was that supposed to happen!? I didn't want to get out of bed AT ALL and it seemed as though my body was even more angry than yesterday! Nevertheless I completed today's workout with vigor and confidence... and STILL hating working out.

Today's workout wasn't as extensive as yesterday's, and I focused mainly on strength training today after I did a little bit of cardio. My routine for today was as follows:

10mins. of vigorous bicycling around my neighborhood
and a simple "100 Calorie" Workout (burns 100 calories for real!)
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Crunches
20 Sumo Squats (these are FUN!)
10 Push-ups (still girly...)

All together I burned a measly 220 calories, but far better than just sitting around! The reason I focused on strength training today is because when you have more muscle mass you burn more calories... now don't get me wrong, I don't want to be some beefy lady muscle builder, but I do believe in having muscle tone after working out! And the extra calorie burning machine within my muscles helps too!

As for breakfast today I whipped up another good smoothie paired with some whole grains! I got some berries yesterday at Target and decided that I'm going to branch out as much as possible with this whole healthy food thing! So far so good!

Krystle's Yummy Morning Smoothie:
1 Whole Banana
2 TBS. Oikos Greek Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt (or yogurt of your choice)
2 Large Strawberries
3 Medium Raspberries

1 cup of Just Bunches from Honey Bunches of Oats
1 cup 2% reduced fat milk

So far the food choices have been really GOOD! I have been counting the calorie content and keeping an eye on my protein (making sure it's the right amount) and carbohydrate intake. It has been surprisingly easy, and enjoyable for me! I thought that the hardest part would be really giving up the foods that I like, but food is NOT my enemy... I am! It's all about portion control and GETTING ACTIVE!! I cannot stress enough how much I have noticed a difference in the way that my body responds to activity. I have energy for much longer in the day, and I sleep WAY better at night! I do realize it's only day 2, but this is also note from other times I have tried workout routines.

A nice trick I learned today while working out today was this...

There are 10 words in the sentence "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" If you repeat this while working out instead of counting it is WAY easier! And enjoyable! I can literally feel the grace of God rising up inside of me to complete the workout and to keep focused on getting myself healthy! I love it!

See you all tomorrow!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 1

Okay folks... let me start this by saying "I HATE WORKING OUT!!!!"

Yes, I do realize that this is going to be a journey that I hopefully won't regret, but my goodness I hate it! I am starting on a journey today that will change my life forever and I am SO excited about it, yet I know it will be a lot of hard work and dedication. Take this as my commitment statement!

I am trying my best to do all the things that I possibly can to do this fitness lifestyle change with the greatest possible outcome. I have attempted diets and workout routines in the past and they have nearly always failed me... or rather I them. I am starting this journey by making small goals and commitments that I believe I can actually do... and trying my best for at least 10% of my goal weight to be off before Christmas!

Today I did about an hour of brisk walking/running. I would guess that I logged about 2 or 3 miles in my lovely stroll around Irving! Cardio is one of the best ways to burn calories... and also one of the quickest ways to see weight loss. I followed that up by a little bit of brief strength training 2 sets of 20 reps of crunches and 2 sets of 20 reps of push-ups (yes, the girly knee down ones... hopefully I will do real ones soon!).

I then made a pretty tasty smoothie from the following ingredients!

1 Banana
2 TBS. Oikos Greek Vanilla Yogurt by Dannon
1 Serving (240ML) of Acai Berry V8 Mixed fruit and vegetable juice

The smoothie itself had only about 370 calories and actually makes my taste buds happy!!

Well that is all for today!

I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!